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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Skeletal staining of wild type (+/+) and Ccn3tm1Cabo/Ccn3tm1Cabo (-/-) E19.5 embryos and adults with Alcian blue (cartilage) and Alizarin red (bone). A-F: Mutant E19.5 embryos. A: Staining of rib cages showing barrel chest in mutant with overgrowth of ribs. B: Hind foot showing fusion of the tarsal cartilage elements (white arrow) and elongation of the digits in the mutant. Note increased intensity of Alizarin red staining and thickening of the tibia in mutant compared to wild type. C: Knee abnormalities in mutant compared to wild type, including flattening of the patella. D: Malformation of the wrist elements in mutant compared to wild type. E: Dislocation of hip (arrow) in mutant compared to wild type. F: Kinking of tail with compression of the vertebral body (arrow) in mutant embryo. G-J: Adult skeletons. Overgrowth of the appendicular skeleton in mutant, and to a lesser extent in Ccn3tm1Cabo/Nov+ (+/-), compared to wild type littermate. H: Overgrowth of the axial skeleton in mutant compared to wild type, with increased length of individual vertebral bodies. I: Frontal view of right (upper panel) and left (lower panel) knee joints from mutant and wild type littermates showing abnormal patella (P) and grossly enlarged medial meniscus (arrowhead) in mutant compared with wild type. J: Lateral view of knee showing flattening of patella in mutant. F, femur; T, tibia and P, patella.
Copyright This image is from Heath E, BMC Dev Biol 2008;8():18, an open-access article, licensee BioMed Central Ltd. J:135676
Symbol Name
Ccn3tm1Cabo cellular communication network factor 3; targeted mutation 1, Catherine A Boulter
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Ccn3tm1Cabo/Ccn3+ involves: 129S/SvEv
Ccn3tm1Cabo/Ccn3tm1Cabo involves: 129S/SvEv

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