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Caption Tight junction permeability assay of wild-type and Cldn1tm1Sts/Cldn1tm1Sts epidermis. An isotonic solution containing freshly made biotinylation reagent into the dermis on the back of wild-type (+/+) and Cldn1tm1Sts/Cldn1tm1Sts (-/-) newborns, and after 30 minutes incubation the skin was dissected out and frozen. Frozen sections were double stained with antioccludin mAb and straptavidin to label tight junctions (TJs) and cross-linked biotin in green and red, respectively. In the wild-type epidermis (A-C), the biotinylation reagent diffused through the paracellular spaces from stratum basale to the second layer of stratum granulosum, but this diffusion was sharply stopped at occludin-positive TJs (arrows). In the mutant epidermis (D-F), the diffusion of injected biotinylation reagent was not prevented at the occludin-positive TJs (arrows). Instead, the biotinylation reagent passed through these TJs to reach the border between stratum granulosum and corneum. SC, stratum corneum. Bar, 10um.
Copyright This image is from Furuse M, J Cell Biol 2002 Mar 18;156(6):1099-111, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:75447
Symbol Name
Cldn1tm1Sts claudin 1; targeted mutation 1, Shoichiro Tsukida
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Cldn1tm1Sts/Cldn1tm1Sts involves: 129S4/SvJae * C57BL/6

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