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Caption A: Immunohistochemistry on Pafah1b1Gt(IRESBetageo)1Hha/Pafah1b1Gt(IRESBetageo)1Hha (A', B', C') and wild-type (D', E', and F') testis reveals severe defects in mutant spermatids. Red arrows in A' indicate the numerous acrosomal vesicles (outer acrosomal membrane is stained green) in mutant as compared with the single acrosome in wild-type (D'). Also note the beginning tail structures (tubulin staining in green) at several positions in mutant spermatids (B', red arrows) but only at one position in wild-type (E', red arrow). The distribution of transition protein 2 (Tnp-2) illustrates the decondensed nucleus in mutant spermatids (C'), whereas it outlines the hook-shaped, condensed nucleus in wild-type cells (F). Nuclei were always counter-stained with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (blue). B: Electron micrographs of testis sections from wild-type (panels (d,e and g) and mutant (panels a,b,c,f and h) mice at P45. Note the fairly normal appearance of spermatocyte nuclei in mutant (a) compared with wild-type (d). Typical acrosome of wild-type spermatids (e) and dilated acrosome in the mutant (b) that sometimes lacks acrosomal granules (f). In mutant spermatids distinctly flattened vesicles with proacrosomal granules frequently appear in close contact with the nuclear membrane suggesting that they fail to fuse to the typical proacrosomal vesicle prior to nuclear attachment (arrows in c). Panel g shows a normal wild-type spermatid with acrosome (a), hook-shaped nucleus (n), and tail (t). In contrast, the mutant spermatid exhibits a grossly misshaped nucleus, abnormal acrosome, and only the basal cuff of the tail (arrowhead in f).
Copyright This image is from Nayernia K, J Biol Chem 2003 Nov 28;278(48):48377-85 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:86720
Symbol Name
Pafah1b1Gt(IRESBetageo)1Hha platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, isoform 1b, subunit 1; gene trap 1, Hans-Henning Arnold
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Pafah1b1Gt(IRESBetageo)1Hha/Pafah1b1Gt(IRESBetageo)1Hha involves: 129/Sv * NMRI

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