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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Ultrastructure of newborn filiform papillae. A: Hematoxylin and eosin stained wild-type papillae. The three programs of differentiation are labeled AC (anterior column), PC (posterior column), and BC (buttress column). The electron micrographs shown in frames D-G originate from the region defined in the box. In situ hybridization using K6alpha- (B) or K6beta- (C) specific probes shows expression of both isoforms in the anterior and buttress columns. D: In wild-type posterior filiform papillae, AC cells can be readily recognized by keratohyalin granules (kh). PC cells feature prominent keratin bundles, but no kh. Cl, cornified layers; n, nucleus. E: In the mutant mouse posterior filiform papillae, AC cells feature early signs of cytolysis (asterisks). Keratohyalin granules and desmosomes (arrowheads) are present. Arrows show aggregated keratin protein. F: In anterior filiform papillae of wild-type mice, AC cells exhibit the normal complement of keratin IF bundles, keratohyalin granules, and desmosomes. G: In contrast, filaments in mutant mice are completely devoid in AC cells (asterisks) while still featuring numerous keratohyalin granules and desmosomes. PC cells exhibit numerous IF bundles (arrows). Bars: A, 12.5um; D-G, 2um.
Copyright This image is from Wong P, J Cell Biol 2000 Aug 21;150(4):921-8, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:64033
Symbol Name
Krt6a/Krt6btm1Cou keratin 6B; targeted mutation 1, Pierre A Coulombe
Krt6a/Krt6btm1Cou keratin 6A; targeted mutation 1, Pierre A Coulombe
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Krt6a/Krt6btm1Cou/Krt6a/Krt6btm1Cou involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 * DBA/2
Krt6a/Krt6btm1Cou/Krt6a/Krt6btm1Cou involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 * DBA/2

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