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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Histology shows the onset of catagen in wild-type (WT) skin at P15 and in Sgk3tm1Okad/Sgk3tm1Okad (KO) skin at P9 (A-J). EE: Quantification of hair cycle stage based on dermal papilla (DP) morphology that was visualized by alkaline phosphatase (Muller-Rover et al., 2001). Anagen (all stages); early catagen (catagen I-III); late catagen (IV-VIII). Note that mutant follicles enter catagen prematurely; by P15, they have entered the second anagen. K-T: BrdU staining and DP morphology suggest that mutant catagen transverses normal stages. Arrows represent BrdU-positive nuclei. O: Straight dotted line demarcates the bottom of the permanent portion of the hair follicle. FF: Quantification of BrdU incorporation confirms the appropriate decline in proliferation as mutant follicles enter catagen. U-DD: Staining for activated caspase 3 shows that apoptosis in mutant follicles increased normally during catagen, excluding massive apoptosis as a mechanism to explain reduced bulb cell number or premature catagen. Y: Plus signs indicate autofluorescence of the hair shaft (+) and differentiated epidermis (++). Arrowheads, caspase (+) cells. GG: Quantification of apoptosis confirms the increased number of apoptotic cells in mutant skin, Mx, matrix; Ana, anagen; Cat, catagen; Mg, melanin granules; DP, dermal papilla; Cb, Club hair. Error bars represent SEM. Bars: A-J, 100 um; K-DD, 20 um.
Copyright This image is from Alonso L, J Cell Biol 2005 Aug 15;170(4):559-70, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:100992
Symbol Name
Sgk3tm1Okad serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3; targeted mutation 1, Hitoshi Okada
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Sgk3tm1Okad/Sgk3tm1Okad involves: 129P2/OlaHsd

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