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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Phenotype of Foxc1hith/Foxc1hith mice. A: Whole mount and cross sections of Foxc1hith/Foxc1hith (hith/hith) eyes highlight the micropthalmalia, dysgenic iris (white arrow), and thickened cornea. The anterior chamber is also lost (the space between the lens and the cornea, black arrow) in the mutants. Scale bars: 500 um. B: Bony defects are limited to the frontal bone and sagittal suture in the mutant. C: Hemisections of the cortex at three ages in control (Fox1+/) and mutant mice shows that major cortical dysplasia develops between E18.5 and P7. The dashed red line in the P7 mutant cortex shows the area of most severe dysplasia in dorsomedial cortical areas. The red arrows show the abnormally formed hippocampal layers, and the asterisk is placed in the dilated lateral ventricle in the adult mutant cortex. Note that there is no prominent ventricular dilatation at earlier ages. D: Higher-magnification images showing three examples from different brains of heterotopic cells in the marginal zone of mutant neocortex (red arrows).
Copyright This image is from Zarbalis K, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 Aug 28;104(35):14002-7. Copyright 2007 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:136459
Symbol Name
Foxc1hith forkhead box C1; hole-in-the-head
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Foxc1hith/Foxc1hith involves: C57BL/6J * FVB/N

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