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Caption Radiographs, microCT x-ray single scans, and three-dimensional reconstructions of mandibles from 2-week-old wild-type (Enam+/+), Enamtm1.1Jcch/Enam+ (Enam+/-) and Enamtm1.1Jcch/Enamtm1.1Jcch (Enam-/-) mice. Radiography of hemi-mandibles (A,D and G) shows reduced tooth mineralization in the Enamtm1.1Jcch/Enamtm1.1Jcch mice, particularly in the molars. Single microCT scans (B, E, and H) at the level of the first molar (left images) and more incisally in the diastema region (right images) show that the mineralized enamel layer is either too thin to be detected or is absent in the homozygous mice (H), whereas it is clearly plesent in the wild-type (B) and Enamtm1.1Jcch/Enam+ (E) mice where the enamel (e) can be readily discriminated from dentin (d). Microcomputed tomography analyses of mandibular frontal sections through the mesial and buccal cusps of M1 followed by three-dimensionalized reconstructions (C, F, and I) show mineralized tissue volume and macroscopic tooth morphology, revealing a thinning of mineralized tissue (from a lack of mineralized enamel) in the molar crown (m) and incisor crown (i) analog from homozygous mice (I) relative wild-type (C) and heterozygous (F) mice where differences are not distinguishable. No differences were observed in bone.
Copyright This image is from Hu JC, J Biol Chem 2008 Apr 18;283(16):10858-71 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:136524
Symbol Name
Enamtm1.1Jcch enamelin; targeted mutation 1.1, Jan C C Hu
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Enamtm1.1Jcch/Enamtm1.1Jcch C57BL/6-Enamtm1.1Jcch
Enamtm1.1Jcch/Enam+ C57BL/6-Enamtm1.1Jcch

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