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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Histology and scanning electron micrographs of wild-type (Enam+/+), Enamtm1.1Jcch/Enam+ ((Enam+/-) and Enamtm1.1Jcch/Enamtm1.1Jcch ((Enam-/-) mice at 7 days. A, E and I, histology sections of unerupted, undelcalcified molars after von Kossa staining to show mineralization of alveolar bone, dentin, and enamel in the various genotypes, as indicated. Whereas well developed and mineralized enamel (e) and dentin (d) were present in both wild-type (A) and Enamtm1.1Jcch/Enam+ (E) mice, only small, punctate foci of mineralization were detected within the enamel layer near the dentino-enamel junction, despite there being a thick accumulation of organic material in the enamel layer, presumably amelogenin and other enamel matrix constituents (I). SEM images of similar regions in each of the genotypes are shown at successively increasing magnification in each column. The forming enamel in the heterozygous mice (F-H) appears generally similar to that in wild-type (b-D) mice. The forming enamel in the Enamtm1.1Jcch/Enamtm1.1Jcch (J-L) mouse, despite being unmineralized, shows remarkable similarity to normal enamel matrix structure. Am, ameloblasts; Od, odontoblasts; arrowheads indicate the dentino-enamel junction.
Copyright This image is from Hu JC, J Biol Chem 2008 Apr 18;283(16):10858-71 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:136524
Symbol Name
Enamtm1.1Jcch enamelin; targeted mutation 1.1, Jan C C Hu
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Enamtm1.1Jcch/Enamtm1.1Jcch C57BL/6-Enamtm1.1Jcch
Enamtm1.1Jcch/Enam+ C57BL/6-Enamtm1.1Jcch

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