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Caption Gastric pathology in Kcnq1tm1Apf/Kcnq1tm1Apf mice. Compared with paraffin sections of wild-type fundic mucosa (a), Kcnq1tm1Apf/Kcnq1tm1Apf mouse fundic mucosa (b) showed increased epithelial cell proliferation as measured by Ki67 indirect immunoperoxidase. In both cases, however, the proliferative zone was properly placed in the isthmic region of the glands. This zone was expanded in the mutant mouse, and the overall mucosal thickness was increased owing to increased numbers of epithelial cells in the deeper compartments. PAS staining in gastric fundus of wild-type mice (c) and mutant mice (d) was largely confined to the apical portions of normal foveolar epithelial cells. In mutant mice, a broad zone of less intensely staining cells was present in the midportion of the mucosa, and the PAS staining of surface mucous cells was reduced (d). Hematoxylin and eosin staining of cells in the neck region of the mutant mice (e) showed dilated glands with many mucinous cells and vacuolated parietal cells. Immunostaining for H/K-ATPase (f) demonstrated staining in the cytoplasm of these parietal cells without staining of the intracellular vacuoles. Immunostaining of mucous neck cells for spasmolytic polypeotide in wild-type mice (g) showed staining of a small number of cells in the isthmic region. Prominent spasmolytic polypeptide staining was observed in mutant mouse hyperplastic mucous cells (h) along the entire length of the gland. Immunostaining for intrinsic factor in wild-type (i) and mutant (j) mice showed decreased numbers of chief cells in the mutant mice. Bar: a,b,i and j, 40um; c and d, 20um; e and f, 10um; g and h, 60um.
Copyright This image is from Lee MP, J Clin Invest 2000 Dec;106(12):1447-55 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:66428
Symbol Name
Kcnq1tm1Apf potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily Q, member 1; targeted mutation 1, Andrew P Feinberg
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Kcnq1tm1Apf/Kcnq1tm1Apf involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6

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