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Gene Expression Image Detail
J:138799 Redies C, et al., Dev Dyn. 2008 Sep;237(9):2496-505
Caption Ad, adult; E, embryonic day; P, postnatal day. Sections were hybridized in situ with an mRNA probe for Pcdh1 (A-C,F-U,W-Y). D shows a section that is adjacent to C and was stained with antibodies against PECAM-1 (PECAM). The arrows in H point to tubular glands in the myometrium. The inset in L shows the motor column (mc) of the spinal cord at another level of sectioning. The asterisks in N indicate an artifact (tissue fold). The arrowheads in R indicate superficial Pcdh1-expressing cells in the organ of Corti. X and Y show magnifications of the areas boxed in W. V, layer V of cortex; amy, amygdala; ao, anterior olfactory nucleus; bh, hair bulb; br, terminal bronchus; bv, blood vessel; cd, cochlear duct; cp, caudoputamen; cv, central vein; dc, dorsal column; dg, dentate gyrus; dlg, dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus; dp, dermal papilla; el, epithelial lining of the nasal cavity; en, endometrium; gcl, ganglion cell layer; gl, glomerular layer; gr, granular layer; h, hippocampus; hb, hindbrain; hy, hypothalamus; ig, indusium griseum; inl, inner nuclear layer; ipl, inner plexiform layer; irs, inner root sheath; le, lens; mc, motor column; nc, nasal cavity; ng, nasal glandular tissue; ns, nasal septum; ors, outer root sheath; pir, piriform cortex; po, posterior thalamic nuclear complex; r, retina; rm, Reissner's membrane; sc, supporting cells; sg, spinal ganglion; sn, substantia nigra; sv, stria vascularis; sy, sympathetic ganglion; ve, vaginal epithelium; vlg, ventral lateral geniculate nucleus; vno, vomeronasal (Jacobson's) organ. Scale bars = 1 mm in N and W; 500 microns in P; 200 microns in L,Q and T; 100 microns in H,L (inset), R, and X (for X,Y); and 50 microns in A,B,C (for C-E), F (for F,G), I,J (for J,K), M,O,S, and U (for U,V).
This image is from Redies C, Dev Dyn 2008 Sep;237(9):2496-505 and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright.
Label Assay & Result Details (Gene Symbol) Spatial Mapping
A MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
B MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
C MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
D MGI:3829061 (Pecam1)
F MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
G MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
H MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
I MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
J MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
K MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
L MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
M MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
N MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
O MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
P MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
Q MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
R MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
S MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
T MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
U MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
W MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
X MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
Y MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)
L inset MGI:3829060 (Pcdh1)

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