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Gene Expression Image Detail
J:143211 Kwakowsky A, et al., Dev Dyn. 2008 Dec;237(12):3830-41
Caption Left panel: Representative gel images of RT-PCR products of total mRNA amplified from embryonic (E14.5-17.5) and postnatal (P0, 7, 14, 30) lenses and adult mouse brain (MB). Right panel: Gene expression map of GABA receptor subunits and GABA transporters, based on calculations of intensities of RT-PCR products for each gene relative to the intensity of the co-amplified beta-actin and represented on a grey scale as % of the maximum level.
This image is from Kwakowsky A, Dev Dyn 2008 Dec;237(12):3830-41 and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright.
Label Assay & Result Details (Gene Symbol) Spatial Mapping
_GABA-AR alpha1 MGI:3837174 (Gabra1)
_GABA-AR alpha2 MGI:3837176 (Gabra2)
_GABA-AR alpha3 MGI:3837177 (Gabra3)
_GABA-AR alpha4 MGI:3837178 (Gabra4)
_GABA-AR beta1 MGI:3837179 (Gabrb1)
_GABA-AR beta2 MGI:3837180 (Gabrb2)
_GABA-AR beta3 MGI:3837181 (Gabrb3)
_GABA-AR gamma1 MGI:3837182 (Gabrg1)
_GABA-AR gamma2 MGI:3837183 (Gabrg2)
_GABA-AR gamma3 MGI:3837184 (Gabrg3)
_GABA-AR delta MGI:3837344 (Gabrd)
_GABA-BR R1 MGI:3837335 (Gabbr1)
_GABA-BR R2 MGI:3837337 (Gabbr2)
_GAT1 MGI:3837339 (Slc6a1)
_GAT2 MGI:3837340 (Slc6a12)
_GAT3 MGI:3837341 (Slc6a13)
_GAT4 MGI:3837342 (Slc6a11)
_VGAT MGI:3837343 (Slc32a1)

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