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Gene Expression Image Detail
J:143211 Kwakowsky A, et al., Dev Dyn. 2008 Dec;237(12):3830-41
Caption Coronal cryosections of embryonic day (E) 11.5, E16.5, and postnatal day (P) 0 mouse lenses stained with antibodies specific for vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT), membrane GABA transporter-1 (GAT1), GAT3, GABAA beta3 and GABABR2. A,D,G,J,M: At E11.5, labeling is localized in the lens epithelial cells comprising the lens vesicle (LV) and is greatly enriched at their luminal (apical) and to a lesser extent at the basal ends (arrows in D). GAT3 is also localized at the lateral membranes conferring a patchy appearance of the LV (G). B,E,H,K,N: Both epithelial cells and the tips of secondary fiber cells of the equatorial region exhibit strong labeling for GABA receptors (GABAR) and GABA transporters at E16.5 (arrows). Primary fibers forming the lens nucleus (LN) were stained for both GAT1 and GAT3 (E,H, empty arrowheads in E). Compared with E16.5, at P0 GAT1 showed increased expression in the secondary fibers, but was undetectable in the lens nucleus, composed of primary lens fibers (F vs. E). C,F,I,L,O: GAT1 also exhibited more expanded expression in the cortical region containing secondary fibers compared with VGAT, GAT3, GABAAR, and GABABR2 (arrowheads). VGAT and GAT3 expression was decreased and was absent from the lens nucleus compared with E16.5 (B,H vs. C,I). EQ, equatorial region of the lens; L, lens; LE, lens epithelial cells; LN, lens nucleus. LV, lens vesicle; R, retina. Scale bars 50 microns.
This image is from Kwakowsky A, Dev Dyn 2008 Dec;237(12):3830-41 and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright.
Label Assay & Result Details (Gene Symbol) Spatial Mapping
A MGI:3837347 (Slc32a1)
B MGI:3837347 (Slc32a1)
C MGI:3837347 (Slc32a1)
D MGI:3837348 (Slc6a1)
E MGI:3837348 (Slc6a1)
F MGI:3837348 (Slc6a1)
G MGI:3837349 (Slc6a13)
H MGI:3837349 (Slc6a13)
I MGI:3837349 (Slc6a13)
J MGI:3837350 (Gabrb3)
K MGI:3837350 (Gabrb3)
L MGI:3837350 (Gabrb3)
M MGI:3837351 (Gabbr2)
N MGI:3837351 (Gabbr2)
O MGI:3837351 (Gabbr2)

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