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Caption Ultrastructure of airway cilia in Cby1tm1Ktkm/Cby1tm1Ktkm mice. A and B: TEM analysis of cross sections of nasopharyngeal motile cilia and basal bodies in 4 week old wild-type (control) and Cby1tm1Ktkm/Cby1tm1Ktkm (KO) mice. Blue arrows and arrowheads indicate central microtubule pairs and outer dynein arms, respectively. Pink arrows point to microtubule triplets in the basal body. C and D: TEM analysis of nasopharyngeal motile cilia in adult wild-type and mutant mice. E and F: Scanning EM analysis of ciliated cells in the large proximal airways of adult wild-type and mutant mice. Blue arrowheads indicate ciliated cells. In addition to cilia, the apical surface of ciliated cells contains microvilli of variable number and length. G and H: TEM analisis of nasopharyngeal basal bodies from adult wild-type and mutant mice. Pink arrows highlight abnormally localized basal bodies. KO, knockout.
Copyright This image is from Voronina VA, J Cell Biol 2009 Apr 13;():, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:147413
Symbol Name
Cby1tm1Ktkm chibby family member 1, beta catenin antagonist; targeted mutation 1, Ken-Ichi Takemaru
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Cby1tm1Ktkm/Cby1tm1Ktkm B6.129-Cby1tm1Ktkm

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