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Caption Hydin deficiency causes a central pair (CP) defect. Ependymal cilia (A and C) and image averages (B and D) of ependymal cilia from wild-type (+/+, a and b) and Hydinhy3/Hydinhy3 (-/-, C and D) mice. E-H: Details of A-D, respectively, showing the CP of microtubules. I-L: Details of the CP of wild-type (I) and mutant (K) tracheal cilia and image averages of wild-type (J) and mutant (L) tracheal cilia. Image averages are based on 5 (F), 13 (H), 10 (J), and 8 (L) images. M and N: Diagram of the CP apparatus in wild-type (M) and mutant (N) cilia. The CP projections are labeled in E, I and M. The arrowhead in E and J indicates the diagonal link between the C1b projection and the C2 microtubule. The arrowhead in G, H, K, L and N indicates the missing C2b projection in the CP of mutant mice. Bars, 50 nm.
Copyright This image is from Lechtreck KF, J Cell Biol 2008 Feb 11;180(3):633-43, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:135322
Symbol Name
Hydinhy3 HYDIN, axonemal central pair apparatus protein; hydrocephalus 3
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Hydinhy3/Hydinhy3 involves: FVB/N

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