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Caption Analysis of ciliary coordination. Images and image analysis from wild-type (A,B,E,F and I) and Hydinhy3/Hydinhy3 brain (C,D,G,H, and J). A and C: Average of eight frames of ependymal cilia in top view; moving cilia appear as lines. B and D: The plane of ciliary beating was marked by lines using three images, each representing an average of eight frames and showing cilia in top view. E-H: Images (E and G) showing the lines used to generate scans and the corresponding line scans (kymograms; F and H). F: The diagonal lines marked by arrows result from the coordinated sequential movement of wild-type cilia. H: The line scans for the mutant break up into tracks of individual cilia, revealing their different ciliary beat frequencies (CBFs, arrows and dots). The horizontal parts of the scan marked by dots indicate stalling of the cilium. I and J: Orientation of the basal feet in the ependymal epithelium from wild-type (I) and mutant (J) mice. Bars, 1 um.
Copyright This image is from Lechtreck KF, J Cell Biol 2008 Feb 11;180(3):633-43, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:135322
Symbol Name
Hydinhy3 HYDIN, axonemal central pair apparatus protein; hydrocephalus 3
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Hydinhy3/Hydinhy3 involves: FVB/N

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