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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption A: Schematic of hemidesmosome. Double arrow denotes lamina lucida. B: Electron microscopy of basal layer of control newborn mouse skin, fixed and embedded in Epon. Inset shows hemidesmosome at higher magnification to illustrate the features characteristic of the diagram in A (the plaque is the most electron dense structure), C: Region of newborn esophagus of Itgb4tm1Efu/Itgb4tm1Efu mouse, illustrating the complete absence of hemidesmosomes at the cell membrane, even though the cell is still attached to the underlying lamina densa. Inset, higher magnification of mesenchymal-epithelial junction to show that fine filaments, resembling anchoring filaments, are still present.
Copyright This image is from Dowling J, J Cell Biol 1996 Jul;134(2):559-72, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:77644
Symbol Name
Itgb4tm1Efu integrin beta 4; targeted mutation 1, Elaine Fuchs
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Itgb4tm1Efu/Itgb4tm1Efu involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6

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