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Caption Thbdtm2Rdr/Thbdtm2Wlr Tg(Tek-cre)1Ywa/0 mice develop hemorrhagic lesions and organ necrosis and succumb to consumptive coagulopathy. (a) Typical necrotic lesion of the skin, the ears, and the tail in mutant mice. Early and small hemorrhagic skin lesions (b) subsequently progress into larger necrotic lesions (c and d; left foot in d: control littermate). (e) Macroscopic specimen of a mouse with priapism: hemorrhagic necrosis of the penis (arrow) and testis (arrowhead). (f and g) Multiple necrosis of the liver (f, arrows) and swollen, hemorrhagic liver lobe (g, arrows) in mutant mice (arrowhead in g: unaffected liver tissue). (h) Gastrointestinal bleeding at the disease end-stage in a mutant mouse. (i) Multiple hemorrhagic lesions in the lung of a mutant mouse.
Copyright This image is from Isermann B, J Clin Invest 2001 Aug;108(4):537-46 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:71269
Symbol Name
Tg(Tek-cre)1Ywa transgene insertion 1, Masashi Yanagisawa
Thbdtm2Rdr thrombomodulin; targeted mutation 2, Robert D Rosenberg
Thbdtm2Wlr thrombomodulin; targeted mutation 2, Harmut Weiler
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6 * SJL

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