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Caption | A,B: H&E stained sections of eyes from E12.5 wild-type and Pds5aGt(RRM243)Byg/Pds5aGt(RRM243)Byg Pds5btm1Jmi/Pds5b+ embryos. No lens was formed in the Pds5aGt(RRM243)Byg/Pds5aGt(RRM243)Byg Pds5btm1Jmi/Pds5b+ embryo (B), whereas the wild-type embryo has a clearly formed lens at this stage (A). C,D: Whole mount image of the eyes from E11.5 wild-type and mutant embryos. Note that the Pds5aGt(RRM243)Byg/Pds5a+ Pds5btm1Jmi/Pds5btm1Jmi eye (arrow, D) is much smaller than wild-type (white dashed circle, C). E: Immunofluorescent staining of E9.5 eye using PDS5A antibodies demonstrated that PDS5A is expressed at high levels in head surface ectoderm. HSE, head surface ectoderm; M, mesenchyme; OV, optical vesicle; dashed lines, the boundaries among HSE, M, and OV. F-H: Proliferating cells in the E10.5 eyes of wild-type (G) and Pds5aGt(RRM243)Byg/Pds5aGt(RRM243)Byg Pds5btm1Jmi/Pds5b+ (H) embryos labeled with BrdU for 1 hr were detected using anti-BrdU antibodies. The eyes were counterstained with hematoxylin. Eye structures are as indicated in G. Note that the lens placode is invaginating in wild-type (G) but not in Pds5aGt(RRM243)Byg/Pds5aGt(RRM243)Byg Pds5btm1Jmi/Pds5b+ embryos (H), although the percentage of BrdU positive cells in both wild-type and mutant lens placodes was equivalent (F). I,J: Immunohistochemical analysis using alphaA-crystallin anitbodies of E11.5 wild-type and Pds5aGt(RRM243)Byg/Pds5a+ Pds5btm1Jmi/Pds5btm1Jmi eyes. Note the small size and lack of alphaA-crystallin-positive cells in a Pds5aGt(RRM243)Byg/Pds5a+ Pds5btm1Jmi/Pds5btm1Jmi lens (J) compared to a strong alphaA-crystallin expression in the majority of cells in a normal size wild-type lens (I). R, retina; L, lens. | ||||||
Copyright | This image is from Zhang B, PLoS ONE 2009;4(5):e5232, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:148890 | ||||||
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