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Caption Altered bone content and incidence of coxa vara in Col10a1tm1Ksec/Col10a1tm1Ksec mice. (A-D) Micrographs of the femurs of 2 day (A and B) and 4 week (C and D) wild-type (+/+, A and C) and mutant (-/-, B and D) female mice of 129/Sv background. The opacity of the bony region (white in X-ray image) correlates with the amount of radiographically opaque bone materials. Single-headed arrows in B and D indicate orientation proximal-distal. Abbreviations for bony landmarks: h, distal head (articular condyle); j, knee joint, m, marrow cavity; n, neck; t, tibia; s, shaft, Bar, 0.5 mm. (E-H) Radiographic study of the angle of the femur head of wild-type (+/+, E and G) and mutant (-/-, F and H) mice at 13-14 months (E and F) and 20-22 months (G and H). A decrease in the angle between the neck (fn) and the shaft (fs) of the femur (coxa vara) is observed at both ages. There is always a significant foreshortening of the length of the neck of the femur of the mutant mice shown in F and H. Bar, 1 mm. (I) Measurements of the angle of the head of the the left and right femur of the wild-type and mutant mice at various postnatal ages. Significant unilateral (right) coxa vara, showing varus angulation was found in some mutants.
Copyright This image is from Kwan KM, J Cell Biol 1997 Jan 27;136(2):459-71, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:38124
Symbol Name
Col10a1tm1Ksec collagen, type X, alpha 1; targeted mutation 1, Kathryn S E Cheah
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Col10a1tm1Ksec/Col10a1tm1Ksec 129/Sv-Col10a1tm1Ksec

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