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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption The phenotype of Dcntm1Ioz/Dcntm1Ioz mice reveals thinning and fragility of the skin. A: Gross photograph of wild-type (+/+), Dcntm1Ioz/Dcn+ (+/-), and Dcntm1Ioz/Dcntm1Ioz (-/-) littermates. Notice the sharp rupture of the back skin in the mutant mouse (arrows) and the detachment of the tail skin (arrowheads) that occurred during cervical dislocation. The skin fragility was never observed in either wild-type or heterozygous mice (n > 300). B: Cross-section of the detached tail skin. Notice the sharp and bloodless line of rupture (arrowheads) along the deeper dermis. Immunohistochemical analysis of skin and skeletal muscle (C and D), mammary gland (E), and uterus (F) from wild-type and mutant mice using the LF-113 anti-decorin antibody. Notice the intense immunoreactivity in the dermis of a wild-type mouse (C, asterisks) and the fine immunoreactivity on either side of the skeletal muscle (Mu). In contrast, the mutant dermis (D, asterisk), the subcutaneous and perimysial connective tissues, are totally unreactive as are the uterine wall and mucosa (F). As expected, the anti-decorin antibody labeled specifically the adventitia of small blood vessels (E, arrowheads) and the myoepithelial cells and fine connective tissue surrounding mammary ducts (E, arrows). Immunodetection of biglycan using an anti-peptide (LF-106) antibody in uterus (G) and skin (H) from mutant mice. Notice the "normal" expression of biglycan in the endometrium (G, arrows) and in the intramural small blood vessels (G, arrowheads). As expected, in skin, both the epidermis (H, arrowheads) and the follicular epithelium (H, arrow) were labeled by the anti-biglycan antibodies. Bar, 100 um.
Copyright This image is from Danielson KG, J Cell Biol 1997 Feb 10;136(3):729-43, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:39212
Symbol Name
Dcntm1Ioz decorin; targeted mutation 1, Renato V Iozzo
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Dcntm1Ioz/Dcntm1Ioz involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * Black Swiss

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