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Caption Histopathological findings of ivermectin neurotoxicity in the hippocampal region from wild-type and Abcb1amds/Abcb1amds mice. Coronal sections were prepared from wild-type (n = 3) and Abcb1amds/Abcb1amds (N = 4) mice. A: Hematoxylin and eosin stained hippocampal region of wild-type mouse. B: Hematoxylin and eosin stained hippocampal region of mutant mouse. C: The close-up of CA3 layer of wild-type mouse. D: The close-up of CA3 layer of mutant mouse revealed abundance of eosinophilic cells. Arrowheads indicate the CA3 field in (A) and (B). Scale bars: (A) and (B), 200 um; (C) and (D), 80 um.
Copyright This image is from Jun K, Mamm Genome 2000 Oct;11(10):843-8 and is displayed with the permission of Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York who owns the copyright. J:64725
Symbol Name
Abcb1amds ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B member 1A; multiple drug sensitive
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Abcb1amds/Abcb1amds involves: CF-1

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