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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Growth analysis of mice. A: Photograph of wild-type (WT) and Pa2g4Gt(OST186047)Lex/Pa2g4Gt(OST186047)Lex (KO) male littermates at day 30. B: Wild-type, heterozygous and homozygous littermates, derived from crosses of heterozygous parents, were weighed over a period of 60 days. Results are plotted as the mean body weight +/- standard error of the mean. C: Wild-type and mutant male and female mice, the progeny of crosses of homozygous mice, were weighed at the days indicated. Two litters each were weighed KO=9 mice, WT = 15. (*p = .013 at Day 10, p = .02 at day 18).
Copyright This image is from Zhang Y, BMC Cell Biol 2008;9():69, an open-access article, licensee BioMed Central Ltd. J:151280
Symbol Name
Pa2g4Gt(OST186047)Lex proliferation-associated 2G4; gene trap OST186047, Lexicon Genetics
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Pa2g4Gt(OST186047)Lex/Pa2g4Gt(OST186047)Lex involves: 129S5/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6

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