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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Ultrastructure and basal intermediate filament proteins of esophagus of adult Krt14tm1Efu/Krt14tm1Efu mice. A and B: Esophageal tissues from 2 month old Krt14tm1Efu/Krt14tm1Efu and Krt14tm1Efu/Krt14+ mice were fixed and processed for electron microscopy. Sections shown are from (a) mutant and (b) heterozygous mice. Note marked differences in the number and arrangement of keratin filaments (Kf) in these two samples. Nu, nuclei; Mi, mitochondria; arrowheads, basal lamina/hemidesmosomes. C: IF proteins were extracted from esophageal tissues of 2 day old and 2 month old wild-type mice. Proteins were resolved by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and subjected to immounoblot analysis and to identify keratin proteins. Note: Coomassie blue-stained gels of these samples revealed that the differences in absolute levels of K14 and K15 in these samples are similar to those that are reflected by alphaK14 and alphaK15 labeling. Bar, 0.45 um.
Copyright This image is from Lloyd C, J Cell Biol 1995 Jun;129(5):1329-44, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:25763
Symbol Name
Krt14tm1Efu keratin 14; targeted mutation 1, Elaine Fuchs
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Krt14tm1Efu/Krt14tm1Efu involves: 129

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