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Caption Severe neuropathy in Lama2dy-2J/Lama2dy-2J Lama4tm1Ktry/Lama4tm1Ktry mice. (a-d) Adult Lama2dy-2J/Lama2dy-2J Lama4tm1Ktry/Lama4tm1Ktry mice (14 wk shown) retract fore and hind limbs when suspended, and have splayed stance and tremor. (c) Frame 1 of 0.3-s video; (d) all frames superimposed by "Difference" in Photoshop 6. (e and f) Growth and longevity of double mutants (circles) are decreased; triangles, littermate controls; values in e show average +/- SEM. (g and h) Sciatic and brachial nerves are severely amyelinated in double mutants; CNS is well myelinated (h, inset). (i and j) Paradoxically, double mutant spinal roots are well sorted and lightly myelinated, a marked improvement from Lama2dy-2J/Lama2dy-2J roots (compare with Fig. 2, l and m). (k and l) Myelinating Schwann cells (mSC) have basal lamina (BLs, arrows) in distal nerves, but not in roots. All premyelinating (preSC) and promyelinating (proSC) Schwann cells lack BLs. aa, amyelinated axon; col, collagen fibrils; white arrowhead, proSC myelin. Small black arrows in k indicate lack of BL on preSC and proSC surfaces. Bar in l is 100 um in g-j; 1 um in k and l.
Copyright This image is from Yang D, J Cell Biol 2005 Feb 14;168(4):655-66, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:98086
Symbol Name
Lama2dy-2J laminin, alpha 2; dystrophia muscularis 2 Jackson
Lama4tm1Ktry laminin, alpha 4; targeted mutation 1, Karl Tryggvason
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 * WK/ReJ

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