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Caption | Analysis of the testicular vasculature. A: Appearance of dissected fetal testes of wild-type (WT) and Foxs1tm1Kmor/Foxs1tm1Kmor (Fkhl18 KO). Note the accumulation of blood cells in the central part of the mutant testis (arrowheads). B: Frequency of blood accumulation examined in 14 wild-type and 26 heterozygous (+/-) and 12 homozygous (-/-) testes. Frequency (%) of testes showing blood accumulation relative to total number of testes examined are shown. C: Visualization of the vasculature structure using carbon ink. Carbon ink was injected into the testes through the umbilical vein. The whole views of the wild-type (a) and mutant testes (b) are shown. The wild-type (c,e) and mutant (d,f) testes were sectioned. Areas containing inner testicular vessels (itv; c,d) and coelomic vessels (cv; e,f) are enlarged in insets. As indicated by arrowheads in insets of (d) and (f), leakage of the injected ink was noted around the vessels of mutant testes. Scale bars = 100 um, scale bars in insets = 50 um. D: Electron microscopic view of a representative mutant testis. The area enclosed by the rectangle is enlarged as the inset. Arrrows indicate a gap in endothelial cells in mutant testis. En; endothelial cell, P; periendothelial cell, Er; erythrocyte. Scale bars= 500 um, scale bars in insets= 100 um. | ||||
Copyright | This image is from Sato Y, Mol Reprod Dev 2008 Sep;75(9):1361-71, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:138911 | ||||
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