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Caption Analysis of renal morphology. A and B: In light microscopy of wild-type mice (A), differences were noted in the morphology of the cells of the macula densa compared with Ren1tm1Mgfs/Ren1tm1Mgfs mice (B), in which the epithelial cells of the macula densa (arrow) have a columnar morphology, the nucleus:cytoplasm ratio is increased and there is cell crowding. By contrast in the wild-type mice the same cells (arrow) have a cuboidal morphology with a lower nucleus:cytoplasm ratio and lower cell density. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin; G = glomerulus. C and D, control mouse kidneys (C) show strong immunostaining for renin in the medial layer of the afferent arteriole (arrow). In contrast, sections from mutant mouse kidney (D) show only faint cytoplasmic immunoperoxidase staining for renin in a few cells near the vascular pole (arrow). E and F: Electron microscopy of afferent arteriolar smooth muscle cells (SM) from a control mouse (E) show prominent dense cytoplasmic granules (arrows); A = afferent arteriole lumen; E = endothelial cell. The cells in the wall of this afferent arteriole from a mutant mouse kidney (F), defined by tracing its origin from the interlobular artery in semi-thin sections, show no evidence of cytoplasmic granules. A = afferent arteriole lumen; E = endothelial cells; SM = modified smooth muscle cells (x 2,600).
Copyright This image is from Clark AF, J Biol Chem 1997 Jul 18;272(29):18185-90 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:41714
Symbol Name
Ren1tm1Mgfs renin 1 structural; targeted mutation 1, Matthew G F Sharp
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Ren1tm1Mgfs/Ren1tm1Mgfs involves: 129P2/OlaHsd

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