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Caption The first signs of any abnormality in Procrtm1Cte/Procrtm1Cte embryos were observed from about E8.0. At this time Procrtm1Cte/Procrtm1Cte (EPCR-/-) embryos were slightly smaller than wild-type (WT) littermates (compare A and B, cross-sections of wild-type and mutant littermates; images depict embryos in utero, in approximately the same orientation and depth through the tissue). Although mutant embryos had no apparent developmental defect, they were consistently growth-retarded. Immunoperoxidase staining for Procr in wild-type and mutants at E9.5 (C-F). Staining for Procr in wild-type embryos at E9.5 (C and E) showed that Procr was detected in the trophoblast giant cells of the trophectoderm, surrounding the embryonic space. These cells, identified by their large nuclei (gc arrows), are in direct contact with the maternal circulation and decidual cells, which in Procrtm1Cte/Procr+ mothers also stained strongly for Procr. The parietal endoderm, yolk sac, and embryo proper exhibited no staining for Procr at this time. E shows an enlargement of the boxed area in C. Note the preferential staining for Procr on the surface of the trophoblast giant cells, consistent with its membrane location. Staining for Procr of an E9.5 mutant littermate on the same side (D) highlighted the absence of Procr from the trophoblast giant cells (enlarged black boxed area, F). At E9.5, the heart of the mutant embryo was visible (red box). However, the onset of resorption is also evident. Note the highly diminished embryonic space surrounding the embryo, normally filled with amniotic fluid. Often beyond E10.5, mutant embryos could not be genotyped by PCR. Immunostaining for Procr (G) revealed that the trophoblast giant cells (not staining for Procr) were the last remnants of resorbed embryos. Bars, 400 um (unless stated). Key: gc, trophoblast giant cell; dc, decidual cells, ys, yolk sac; E, embryo, pe, parietal endoderm; A, antimesometrial pole; M, mesometrial pole.
Copyright This image is from Gu JM, J Biol Chem 2002 Nov 8;277(45):43335-43 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:80043
Symbol Name
Procrtm1Cte protein C receptor, endothelial; targeted mutation 1, Charles T Esmon
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Procrtm1Cte/Procrtm1Cte either: 129S/SvEv-Procrtm1Cte or (involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * Black Swiss)

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