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Caption Analysis of the vasculature in embryos. A: Whole mount immunohistochemistry to PECAM1(CD31) in E9.0, E9.5 and E10.0 embryos indicates that the dorsal aorta and endocardium form in Mapk7tm1Wnt/Mapk7tm1Wnt (ERK5-/-) embryos, as shown at E9.0 (panels a and b). PECAM1 expression becomes disorganized starting at E9.5 (panels c and d), with condensed endocardium (panel d, white arrow) and roughened endothelial lining (black arrow), and by E10.0 vascular defects are evident as shown by decreased vessel lumen size and poor remodeling (panels e and f). An enlarged view of the head of a Mapk7tm1Wnt/Mapk7+ (ERK5+/-, panel g, left) and homozygous mutant embryos (right) clearly depicts defects in branching, along with improper extensions and interconnections among small vessels (white arrow). The lumen of the head veins is also reduced (black arrow). B: Transverse sections of E10.0 embryos stained for PECAM1 reveal discontinuity in the vascular endothelial lining of the midline dorsal aorta and the lack of branching intersomitic vessels in the mutant embryo (right). C: PECAM1 expression in the mutant yolk sac (right) at E10.5 illustrates failure to form large vessels and branching vasculature compared with the heterozygous controls (left, see arrow).
Copyright This image is from Sohn SJ, J Biol Chem 2002 Nov 8;277(45):43344-51 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:80044
Symbol Name
Mapk7tm1Wnt mitogen-activated protein kinase 7; targeted mutation 1, Astar Winoto
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Mapk7tm1Wnt/Mapk7tm1Wnt involves: C57BL/6

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