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Caption Cacna2d2ent/Cacna2d2ent (ent/ent) mice are from N6 and N7 intercrosses aged 4-6 months. A and B, mice during an episode of paroxysmal dyskinesia. C, characteristic outward pointing of the hind limbs and altered posture creating a "hunchback" appearance. D, size difference between 4 month-old mutant mice and wild-type (+/+) littermate. E, minimum, maximum, and average weights of mutant mice (open circles) as well as minimum and average weights of their unaffected littermates (closed squares) from eight N4-N7 intercross matings normalized to the heaviest littermate, which was never a mutant. Weights were recorded in 68 mice (at day 10; mutant (n=17) and healthy littermates (n=51) aged 10-30 days. Mutant mice exhibited reduced weight from day 10 on, although they continuously gained weight. F, survival curve for 32 mutant mice from N3-N5 intercrosses. The percentage of survivors among this this group of mice is charted over a period of 50 days. In this sample of mice, 52% (17 of 32) died between the age of 17 and 37 days, and no animals died thereafter during the period analyzed. G, dystrophic uteri of 9 month-old mutant females from an N9 intercross (center and bottom) and uterus of an unaffected female of the same age (top) that had never been pregnant.
Copyright This image is from Brill J, J Biol Chem 2004 Feb 20;279(8):7322-30 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:88967
Symbol Name
Cacna2d2ent calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha 2/delta subunit 2; entla
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Cacna2d2ent/Cacna2d2ent either: B6.D2-Cacna2d2ent or (involves: C57BL/6J * CD-1 * DBA/2J)

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