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Caption Comparison of enamel from wild-type and Klk4tm1.1Jpsi/Klk4tm1.1Jpsi mice. A and B, SEM (scanning electron micrograph) at the same scale showing mandibular incisor enamel from the DEJ (dentino-enamel junction, bottom) to the surface (top) that has been fractured in the erupted portion by pressing on it with a knife. There is no observable difference in the overall thickness of the enamel layer between the wild-type and Klk4tm1.1Jpsi/Klk4tm1.1Jpsi (Klk4-/-) mice. C and D, higher magnification showing the decussating patterns of enamel rods just above the DEJ. E and F, enamel rods in the wild-type mice have tightly packed crystallites that lose some aspect of their individuality. Enamel rods in the mutant mice are composed of distinctly individual crystallites resembling angel hair spaghetti. Holes or vacancies in some rods give the impression that smaller bundles of crystallites broke at a slightly deeper level and slid out of the rod.
Copyright This image is from Simmer JP, J Biol Chem 2009 Jul 10;284(28):19110-21 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:151626
Symbol Name
Klk4tm1.1Jpsi kallikrein related-peptidase 4 (prostase, enamel matrix, prostate); targeted mutation 1.1, James P Simmer
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Klk4tm1.1Jpsi/Klk4tm1.1Jpsi involves: Black Swiss * C57BL/6

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