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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption The ocular phenotype observed in Lmx1btm1Rjo/Lmx1btm1Rjo mice is observed during embryogenesis. Sections taken at E13.5 indicate no morphological differences between wild-type (+/+, a) and Lmx1btm1Rjo/Lmx1btm1Rjo (-/-, b) littermates. Extraocular muscles (eom, arrows) are present by E15.5 in wild-type (c) as well as mutant (d) mice. Areas boxed in (c) and (d) are enlarged in (e) and (f). At E15.5 (c-f), the first observable differences between wild-type (c,e) and mutant (d,f) occur in the cornea (c) and in the prospective iris (arrow). Mutant corneal stroma is less densely packed, and cells that are likely to contribute to iris and ciliary body stroma (arrow) are hypoplastic (f) in comparison to wild-type eyes (e). The asterisk indicates that mutant anterior chamber depth is affected as early as E15.5 (f). Scale bars = 100 um.
Copyright This image is from Pressman CL, Genesis 2000 Jan;26(1):15-25, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:60307
Symbol Name
Lmx1btm1Rjo LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 beta; targeted mutation 1, Randy L Johnson
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Lmx1btm1Rjo/Lmx1btm1Rjo involves: 129 * C57BL/6

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