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Caption Ear analysis. (a-d) Tympanic membrane and middle ear cavity viewed from the external auditory meatus. (a,c) Normal middle ear cavity, wild-type mice (Sall4+/+). (b,d) Sall4tm1Brd/Sall4+ (Sall4m1/+) mice with middle ear inflammation. TR, tympanic ring; TM, tympanic membrane; M, malleus, I, incus, scale bar, 1 mm. (e-h) Histological appearance of the middle ear cavity. (e) Normal middle ear cavity of wild-type mouse, scale bar, 500 um. (f-h) Mutant mice with suppurative otitis media, middle ear effusion and squamous metaplasia of epithelium, scale bar 100/500 um. PD, purulent debris; C, normal ciliated epithelium; SM, metaplastic squamous epithelium. (i,j) Scanning electron micrographs showing normal inner ear epithelium of wild-type and mutant mice, scale bar, 5 um.
Copyright This image is from Warren M, Genesis 2007 Jan;45(1):51-8, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:117866
Symbol Name
Sall4tm1Brd spalt like transcription factor 4; targeted mutation 1, Allan Bradley
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Sall4tm1Brd/Sall4+ involves: 129S7/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6J

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