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Caption A-C: E10.5 Qkiqk-l1/Qkiqk-l1 (qkl-1/qkl-1) (B) and Qkiqk-k2/Qkiqk-k2 (qkk2/qkk2) (C) mutant embryos were growth-retarded and exhibited morphological defects including pericardial effusion, less tightly looped heart (white arrows), and blunted tail growth (white arrowheads), when compared to wild-type (WT) embryos (A). Scale bar= 200 um. D-I: Whole-mount immunostaining with antibodies against VE-Cadherin revealed that Qkiqk-l1/Qkiqk-l1 (E,H) and Qkiqk-k2/Qkiqk-k2 (F,I) mutant embryos failed to form mature, remodeled vasculatures in the head (E,F) and in the intersomitic region (H,I) compared to wild-type (D,G). In both mutants, endothelial cells were present (white arrows); however, the vessel structures were disorganized and failed to form a remodeled capillary network as in the wild-type (black arrows). Scale bar= 100 um. J-O: Whole-mount immunostaining for VE-Cadherin revealed in E10.5 wild-type yolk sacs (J,M) large vitelline vessels (white arrows) and remodeled capillaries (black arrows). In E10.5 Qkiqk-l1/Qkiqk-l1 (K,N) and Qkiqk-k2/Qkiqk-k2 (L,O) mutant yolk sacs, large vitelline vessels have not formed and the capillary plexus was dilated and unremodeled (arrows). Scale bar = 200 um.
Copyright This image is from Bohnsack BL, Genesis 2006 Feb;44(2):93-104, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:106770
Symbol Name
Qkiqk-k2 quaking, KH domain containing RNA binding; quaking k2
Qkiqk-l1 quaking, KH domain containing RNA binding; quaking lethal 1
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Qkiqk-k2/Qkiqk-k2 involves: C57BL/6 * CBA/Ca
Qkiqk-l1/Qkiqk-l1 involves: BTBR

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