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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption (A-F) Abnormal myelin morphology in Sbf2Gt(RRF511)Byg/Sbf2Gt(RRF511)Byg (-/-) peripheral nerves. Sciatic (A,B,D and E) and saphenous (C and F) nerves were analyzed at 7 and 2 months, respectively. Sciatic nerves from mutant mice (D and E) contain numerous fibers with extensive redundant loops of myelin (arrowheads in E), which are not observed in wild-type (+/+, A and B). (C and F) Sensory (saphenous) nerves from mutant mice show dysmyelination similar to that of sciatic nerves (arrowheads in F). (G-O) Myelin morphology in sciatic nerves of mutant mice examined by EM at 14 days (G and J), 7 months (H, I and M), or 14 months (K,L,N and O). (G-L) Examples of abnormal myelin morphologies observed in mutant sciatic nerves. (M and N) Two mutant nerve fibers in distinct phases of axonal degeneration. (O) A putative regenerating cluster of axons in mutant nerve. Please note the relatively thin myelin, supernumerary Schwann cell processes, and redundant basal lamina elements (arrowheads) surrounding the cluster of axons. [Scale bar: 173 um (A), 34.5 um (B), 16.6 um (C), 173 um (D), 34.5 um (E), 16.6 um (F), 2.8 um (G), 3 um (H), 4.3 um (I), 2.1 um (J), 4.9 um (K and L), 3.6 um (M), 4.9 um (N) and 3 um (O).]
Copyright This image is from Robinson FL, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008 Mar 25;105(12):4916-21. Copyright 2008 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:133391
Symbol Name
Sbf2Gt(RRF511)Byg SET binding factor 2; gene trap RRF511, BayGenomics
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Sbf2Gt(RRF511)Byg/Sbf2Gt(RRF511)Byg involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6

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