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Caption Gastrointestinal tract and total gut transit time of wild-type and Gucy1b1tm1.1Frb/Gucy1b1tm1.1Frb mice. (A) The gastrointestinal tract of 3 week old wild-type and Gucy1b1tm1.1Frb/Gucy1b1tm1.1Frb (GC-KO) mice on regular diet. Arrows indicate the caecum, which in the mutant mouse is enlarged and displaced. (B) Comparison of esophagus (arrows) and stomach. (C) Lower gastrointestinal tract (caecum and parts of colon) of a 3 week old mutant mouse immediately after dying. The arrows indicate perforations with adjoining hemorrhages. (D) Total gut transit time. After weaning, mice were either fed fiber-containing standard diet (left) or fiber-free diet (right). In the case of standard diet, the measurement was discontinued for four mutant mice (indicated by the asterisk) that did not produce red-colored feces even after 8 hours. The lines indicate the respective median value. Kruskal-Wallis global test was followed by Mann-Whitney U test for the comparison of two individual groups. The P values for the Mann-Whitney U test are given. ns, not significant.
Copyright This image is from Friebe A, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2007 May 1;104(18):7699-704. Copyright 2007 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:121321
Symbol Name
Gucy1b1tm1.1Frb guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, beta 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Andreas Friebe
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Gucy1b1tm1.1Frb/Gucy1b1tm1.1Frb involves: 129 * C57BL/6 * FVB/N

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