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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Upper panel: Liver of a control mouse. A portal tract is shown in the center of the picture. Lower panels: Liver of mutant mice. On the left, small fat vacuoles are seen within the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes in a male Pitx3eyl/Pitx3eyl mouse. On the right, a more diffuse liver steatosis in a female mutant mouse is shown. In the macrovesicular steatosis (thick arrow), the nucleus is displaced toward the cell membrane. In the microvesicular steatosis (thin arrow), the nucleus retains its position in the center of the cytoplasm (100x).
Copyright This image is from Rosemann M, Mamm Genome 2010 Feb;21(1-2):13-27 and is displayed with the permission of Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York who owns the copyright. J:156878
Symbol Name
Pitx3eyl paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 3; eyeless
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Pitx3eyl/Pitx3eyl involves: C3H/He * C57BL/6

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