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Caption Astrocyte and blood vessel development are altered in Lama1nmf223/Lama1nmf223 mice. Immunohistochemical staining with anti-GFAP and G. simplicifolia isolectin (GS isolectin) in P0.5-P1 central retina of wild-type (A) and Lama1nmf223/Lama1nmf223 (B) mice demonstrates the apparent lack of retinal vessels in mutants. P7 central retina of wild-type (C) and mutants (D) stained with anti-GFAP and G. simplicifolia isolectin. ADPase staining of P7 retinas shows a complete primary plexus as well as the formation of capillaries in wild-type retinas (E), whereas in the mutant retina, budding of the vitreal vessels is observed, but no capillaries are present (F). The arrows indicate the hyaloid remnants in wild-type mice and budding hyaloid vessels in mutants, whereas the asterisks indicate areas devoid of retinal vessels in mutants. Labeling with anti-endostatin and G. simplicifolia isolectin at P10 demonstrates the failure of hyaloid vessels to regress in mutants (H) compared with wild-type mice (G). Only endostatin-positive primary-like vessels aer observed in mutant retinas. The arrow in G indicates the hyaloid artery in wild-type mice, whereas circles in H highlight anastomoses of hyaloid vessels entering the retina. Rather than within the retina, as seen in controls (I), in adult retinas, ADPase staining confirms that primary-like vessels lie in the vitreous of mutants (J).
Copyright This image is from Edwards MM, J Biol Chem 2010 Mar 5;285(10):7697-711 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:160722
Symbol Name
Lama1nmf223 laminin, alpha 1; neuroscience mutagenesis facility, 223
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Lama1nmf223/Lama1nmf223 C57BL/6J-Lama1nmf223/J

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