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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Electron microscope images of tail tendon fibrils from adult wild-type (A and C) and adult P3h1tm1Dgen/P3h1tm1Dgen mice (B and D). Cross-sections of the collagen fibrils (A and B) show a more heterogeneous distribution of fibril diameters as well as some disturbances in the overall shape of some of the fibrils in the mutant mice as compared with the wild-type fibrils. Longitudinal sections of the tendon collagen fibrils (C and D) show an alternating pattern of very small fibrils interspersed with very large fibrils as well as abnormal branching at the ends of some of the mutant fibrils as compared with the wild-type fibrils. (Scale bar in D represents 500 nm and is the same for images A-D.) Tendon fibril size versus number of fibrils measured was graphed (E) and demonstrates a shift in the size distribution from 100 nm to 350 nm in the wild-type mice to primarily 0-100 nm in the mutant (n=1000 for wild-type and n=1000 for mutant). F, a projection through a 350 nm thick section of longitudinally sectioned mutant tendon from which the tomogram was collected. Arrows point to regions in the tendon in which thicker fibrils branch into thinner fibrils and where axial twists are evident.
Copyright This image is from Vranka JA, J Biol Chem 2010 May 28;285(22):17253-62 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:163884
Symbol Name
P3h1tm1Dgen prolyl 3-hydroxylase 1; targeted mutation 1, Deltagen
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
P3h1tm1Dgen/P3h1tm1Dgen involves: C57BL/6

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