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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Histochemistry of P3h1tm1Dgen/P3h1tm1Dgen hindlimbs. Newborn (P0) hindlimbs were cryosectioned and stained with Masson trichrome stain to detect collagen fibrils (blue) in skin of wild-type (A) and P3h1tm1Dgen/P3h1tm1Dgen mice (B). Collagen fibril staining in the skin of newborn mutant mice was less intense and less dense suggesting an overall decrease in the amount of collagen in the dermis. Sections of P1 forelimbs were also stained with hematoxylin and eosin to look at the overall organization of the chondrocytes in wild-type (C) and mutant (D) radial cartilage. The hypertropic zone in the mutant limb (D) appears to be severely affected compared with the same region in the wild-type limb (C). Newborn hindlimb sections were also stained with Von Kossa stain to detect mineralized bone (E and F). Mutant femurs (F) have less mineralized bone in the trabeculae with more spaces throughout as compared with wild-type femurs (scale bar = 120 um).
Copyright This image is from Vranka JA, J Biol Chem 2010 May 28;285(22):17253-62 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:163884
Symbol Name
P3h1tm1Dgen prolyl 3-hydroxylase 1; targeted mutation 1, Deltagen
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
P3h1tm1Dgen/P3h1tm1Dgen involves: C57BL/6

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