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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Day 30 testes were Bouin's-fixed, PAS-stained and hematoxylin-counter-stained to visualize the glycoproteins/acrosomes (pink) and nuclei (blue) and analyzed by light microscopy using a 40x objective lens (A-E) or 60x objective lens under oil immersion (F-H). Stages are labeled with Roman numerals. (A) Wild-type (+/+) stage XII seminiferous tubules with step 12 elongated spermatids and spermatocytes in meiosis I and II. (B) WT stage IX seminiferous tubules with step 9 spermatids. (C) Ehd1tm1.2Haba/Ehd1tm1.2Haba (-/-) stage XII seminiferous tubules display abnormal meiotic figures (Me). Stage X shows a mixture of spermatid steps with abnormal orientation, shape and chromatin condensation (arrows). (D) A mutant seminiferous tubule exhibiting a Sertoli cell only (SCO) phenotype and a (E) stage IX-XI seminiferous tubule containing step 9, 10 and 11 elongated sprematids (arrows). (F) Stage VII WT round spermatids with PAS-positive acrosomal caps on developing step 7 round spermatids (arrows). (G-H) Mutant step 7 round spermatids display abnormal acrosomal caps (arrows), while others show abnormal dispalcement of the acrosomal granule asymmetric formations and punctuate appearances. Scale bar in A = 50 um for A-E. Scale bar in F = 10 um for F-H.
Copyright This image is from Rainey MA, BMC Dev Biol 2010;10():37, an open-access article, licensee BioMed Central Ltd. J:160452
Symbol Name
Ehd1tm1.2Haba EH-domain containing 1; targeted mutation 1.2, Hamid Band
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Ehd1tm1.2Haba/Ehd1tm1.2Haba involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6J * FVB/N

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