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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption General histology demonstrating skin lesions of LmnaDhe/LmnaDhe mouse. (A and C) Wild-type trunkal skin sections illustrating well organized epidermis (E) and dermis (D), as well as anagen stage hair follicles extending through hypodermal fat (HF) region to the panniculus carnosus muscle (PC). (B and D) LmnaDhe/LmnaDhe (Dhe/Dhe) trunkal skin sections exhibit a reduced hypodermal fat layer (double arrow in panels A and B), thickened epidermis, orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, multinucleated keratinocytes in stratum spinosum (black arrow heads in panel D) and interfollicular epidermal pigmentation in dendritic cells (black arrow in D) and keratinocytes (white arrow in D). Apoptotic keratinocytes are scattered throughout stratum basale (white arrowhead in D). (E) Mutant tail skin sections with large areas of dermal-epidermal separation (arrows). (F) Higher magnification image of boxed portion of panel E showing beginning of epidermal-dermal separation. (G and H) Mutant trunkal skin section with shortened anagen phase hair follicles limited to dermis and hypoplastic sebaceous glands (arrow heads in panel H). (6 um sections of 9 day-old mice; original magnifications shown in each panel).
Copyright This image is from Odgren PR, PLoS One 2010;5(4):e9959, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:160175
Symbol Name
LmnaDhe lamin A; disheveled hair and ears
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
LmnaDhe/LmnaDhe B6(D2)-LmnaDhe/TyGrsrJ

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