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Caption (A-E) Histological analysis of testis sections from 8 week old wild-type (Ing2+/+, A,B) and Ing2tm1.1Ccha/Ing2tm1.1Ccha (Ing2-/-, C,E) mice by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. Black arrows in (B) and (D) indicate spermatocytes with large, condenced nuclei. The white arrow in (B) indicates spermatids, which are missing in (D). In (E), Leydig cell hyperplasia (white arrows), apoptotic cell (black arrow) and multinucleated giant cell (white arrowhead) are indicated, Scale bars are 200 um in (A) and (C), 100 um in (B), (D) and (E, left), and 50 um in (E, right). (F) Histological analysis of epididymis from 8 week old wild-type and mutant mice by H&E staining. Scale bars, 100 um. Black arrows indicate degenerated round cells in mutant epididymis. (G) Flow cytometric analysis of testis cells isolated from 2- and 6-month old wild-type and mutant mice. The flow cytograms (left) demonstrate three peaks; 1N peak representing round and elongated spermatids, 2N peak representing somatic cells, spermatogonia and secondary spermatocytes, and 4N peak representing primary spermatocytes, including leptotene, zygotene and pachytene stages, The data are shown as percentage of 1N, 2N and 4N cell fractions (right). (H-K) Phosphorylated histone H2AX (gamma-H2AX) staining in testes from 8 week old wild-type (H,I) and mutant (J,K) mice. Normal leptotene and zygotene spermatocytes with positive gamma-H2AX staining [black arrows in (I) and (K)] develop into pachytene spermatocytes in wild-type testes [white arrows in (I)], which have a gamma-H2AX focus corresponding to the sex body but are otherwise negative for gamma-H2AX staining [21]. In mutant testes, gamma-H2AX positive, abnormal spermatocytes accumulate [white arrowhead in (K)] without development into pachytene spermatocytes. Scale bars are 100 um in (H) and (J), and 50 um in (I) and (K).
Copyright This image is from Saito M, PLoS One 2010;5(11):e15541, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:167311
Symbol Name
Ing2tm1.1Ccha inhibitor of growth family, member 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Curtis C Harri
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Ing2tm1.1Ccha/Ing2tm1.1Ccha involves: 129 * C57BL/6J * FVB/N

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