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Caption Histopathology of bone from wild-type and Sgpl1Gt(OST58278)Lex/Sgpl1Gt(OST58278)Lex mice. Wild-type (S1PL+/+) Bone (A, B, and C): In wild-type mice, the majority of the marrow cavity is filled with hematopoietic elements. Widely spaced trabeculae in long bones (A) and sternum (B) extend a relatively short distance from the physeal growth plate. At higher magnification (C), normal osteoclasts appear as multinucleated cells that are usually tightly adherent and flattened against bone surfaces. Sgpl1Gt(OST58278)Lex/Sgpl1Gt(OST58278)Lex (S1PL-/-) Bone (D, E, and F): In marked contrast, there is a diffuse increase in the volume and extent of trabecular bone in the long bones (D) and sternum (E) of Sgpl1Gt(OST58278)Lex/Sgpl1Gt(OST58278)Lex mice. The bony trabeculae extend throughout the marrow farther than normal into the diaphysis of long bones (D) and sternum (E). At higher magnification (F), the more numerous osteoclasts of Sgpl1Gt(OST58278)Lex/Sgpl1Gt(OST58278)Lex mice are distended by abundant pale and granular eosinophilic cytoplasm that displaces cell nuclei to the periphery. These large rounded Sgpl1Gt(OST58278)Lex/Sgpl1Gt(OST58278)Lex osteoblasts (arrows) have reduced direct contact with bone surfaces. H&E stain.
Copyright This image is from Vogel P, PLoS ONE 2009;4(1):e4112, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:145159
Symbol Name
Sgpl1Gt(OST58278)Lex sphingosine phosphate lyase 1; gene trap OST58278, Lexicon Genetics
Sgpl1tm1(SGPL1)Lex sphingosine phosphate lyase 1; targeted mutation 1, Lexicon Genetics
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Sgpl1Gt(OST58278)Lex/Sgpl1Gt(OST58278)Lex involves: 129S5/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6J

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