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Gene Expression Image Detail
J:171409 GUDMAP Consortium, www.gudmap.org. 2004;
Caption Image(s) contributed directly to GXD by the GUDMAP database. Zoom capability for the image(s) can be accessed via the GUDMAP link at the bottom of this page. GUDMAP provided the following information: 1357_EK1_300707.jpg - Metanephros through pelvis; 1357_EK10_300707.jpg - Nephrogenic zone and cortex - note signal in early pretubular aggregates and cortical renal tubule of capillary loop renal corpuscle; 1357_EK11_300707.jpg - Nephrogenic zone and cortex - note weak signal in early proximal tubule of capillary loop nephrons; 1357_EK12_300707.jpg - Nephrogenic zone and cortex - note signal in early pretubular aggregate and S-shaped body; 1357_EK13_300707.jpg - Metanephroi; 1357_EK14_300707.jpg - Nephrogenic zone and cortex - possible signal in connecting tubule of pretubular aggregate; 1357_EK15_300707.jpg - Metanephros section through pelvis and proximal ureter; 1357_EK2_300707.jpg - Nephrogenic zone and cortex - note signal in medial segment of S-shaped body (top left) and renal vesicle (lower right); 1357_EK3_300707.jpg - Nephrogenic zone and cortex - signal in comma-shaped body (left) and medial S-shaped body and renal vesicle in the side adjacent to the ureteric tip (right); 1357_EK4_300707.jpg - Cortex and nephrogenic zone - note signal in pretubular aggregates (top); 1357_EK5_300707.jpg - Nephrogenic zone and cortex - note signal may extend into the connecting tubule of early nephrons; 1357_EK6_300707.jpg - Pelvis and medulla; 1357_EK7_300707.jpg - Nephrogenic zone and cortex - strong signal in renal vesicle and weak signal in medial segment of S-shaped bodies; 1357_EK8_300707.jpg - Nephrogenic zone and cortex - note regional signal in comma-shaped bodies and renal vesicles; 1357_EK9_300707.jpg - Nephrogenic zone and cortex - restricted signal in renal vesicles.
Questions regarding this image should be directed to the GUDMAP project: gudmap-editors@gudmap.org. Information about its use in publications can be found at http://www.gudmap.org/About/Usage.html.
Label Assay & Result Details (Gene Symbol) Spatial Mapping
MGI:5541554 (Greb1)
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Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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