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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Optical projection tomography (OPT) representation of wild type (WT) Smoc1 expression at embryonic day (E) 9.5 (green represents Smoc1 expression); Smoc1 is expressed in the pharyngeal (branchial) arches (BA), the rostral neural tube (NT), in the anlage of the forelimbs (FL), the fronto-nasal region (FN), and in the somites (S). (b) At E10.5, expression is maintained in the branchial arches, somites and in the frontal nasal processes, as well as extending caudally in the neural tube. (c) In E10.5 Smoc1tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi/Smoc1tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi embryos, Beta-galactosidase activity was observed in tissues consistent with the OPT analysis of WT Smoc1 expression: in the dorsal hindlimbs; in the medial regions of dorsal and ventral forelimbs, the branchial arches, in the frontonasal processes, and in the somites. In addition, strong signal was observed in the eye region (scale bar = 500 um). (d) X-gal stained sagittal sections of a representative E10.5 mutant embryo in the developing eye showing that expression was restricted to ventral regions of the presumptive optic stalk (POS). (e) Examination of optic nerve morphology identified an extension of the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) into the dorsal optic nerve in mutant animals compared to control. (f) Photographs of mutant eye showing an optic fissure closure defect (arrowhead) consistent with coloboma (scale bars = 100 um). (g) Expression in the 1st branchial arch mesenchyme was distributed in proximal regions and absent from distal areas, with positive signal also seen in the epithelial cells at the hinge region between maxilliary (MX) and mandibular (MD) components (arrowheads) (scale bar = 100 um). (h,i) Pictomicrographs of sections through E14.5 heads showing a failure in palatal shelf (PS) fusion in the developing palate in the mutant embryo (i) compared to the fully fused WT littermate (h). (j,k) Surface rendered visualization of OPT reconstructions of hindlimbs at E14.5. (j) WT embryo with normal arrangement of 5 digits in the hindlimb whereas the mutant littermate (k) had hindlimb oligodactyly affecting the axial digits, with only 4 digits present. (l) Skeletal preparation of P0 mutant hindlimb with osseous fusion of the phalanges of digits 3-4 (red arrow).
Copyright This image is from Rainger J, PLoS Genet 2011 Jul;7(7):e1002114, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:174198
Symbol Name
Smoc1tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi SPARC related modular calcium binding 1; targeted mutation 1a, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Smoc1tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi SPARC related modular calcium binding 1; targeted mutation 1a, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Smoc1tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi/Smoc1tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi C57BL/6N-Smoc1tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi

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