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Caption A-C, hyperoxia-induced vaso-obliteration is unaffected in Angptl4tm1Vlcg/Angptl4tm1Vlcg mice. A and B, images of whole mount P12 Angptl4tm1Vlcg/Angptl4+ (angptl4+/LacZ) and Angptl4tm1Vlcg/Angptl4tm1Vlcg (angptl4LacZ/LacZ) retinas stained with isolectin B4 (IB4). The avascular area around the optic nerve (o) is outlined in white. Scale bars = 300 um. C, values are expressed as % of the control (Angptl4tm1Vlcg/Angptl4+) value (Angptl4tm1Vlcg/Angptl4+; n=7; Angptl4tm1Vlcg/Angptl4tm1Vlcg, n=11). D-I, neovascularisation at P17 is reduced in homozygous mice. Images of whole-mount P17 heterozygous and homozygous retinas stained with IB4 (D-E). The avascular area is outlined in white. Scale bars represent 300 um. F, values are expressed as % of the control (heterozygote) value, n=6 per group. G-I, defective pericyte coverage of veins in P17 homozygous retinas after oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR). Representative images of OIR P17 heterozygous (G) and homozygous (H) retinas stained with IB4 (red) and anti-chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (NG2, green) (G-H). Scale bar represents 50 um. Ratio of NG2-positive vessels to IB4-positive vessels (I), n=3 per group. p<0.05.
Copyright This image is from Perdiguero EG, J Biol Chem 2011 Oct 21;286(42):36841-51 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:177790
Symbol Name
Angptl4tm1Vlcg angiopoietin-like 4; targeted mutation 1, Velocigene
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Angptl4tm1Vlcg/Angptl4tm1Vlcg Not Specified

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