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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Analysis of skeletal phenotypes. (A) (Top) Goldner's staining of femur distal metaphysis revealed that wild-type (WT) mice receiving the control and low-iron diets and Fgf23tm1.1Kew/Fgf23tm1.1Kew (ADHR) mice given the control diet had normal mineralization at 8 weeks of treatment. The mutant mice receiving the low-iron diet had marked osteomalacia (3X magnification). (Middle) Enlarged images (20X magnification) of boxed areas in the top row demonstrated areas of intense osteomalacia in the mutant mouse low-iron group (arrows). (Bottom) Analysis of cortical bone demonstrated areas of osteoid surrounding osteocytes (arrows) that were adjacent to normal-appearing cells in the mutant mice provided the low-iron diet (20X magnification). (B) Quantitative histomorphometric analyses demonstrated significantly increased osteoid surface/bone surface percent (OS/BS%) as well as increased osteoid thickness (P < 0.05 vs. all groups; n = 3-6 mice per group).
Copyright This image is from Farrow EG, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2011 Nov 15;108(46):E1146-55. Copyright 2011 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:180061
Symbol Name
Fgf23tm1.1Kew fibroblast growth factor 23; targeted mutation 1.1, Kenneth E White
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Fgf23tm1.1Kew/Fgf23tm1.1Kew B6.129-Fgf23tm1.1Kew

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