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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption (A) Lens from wild-type (WT) 10-month-old mouse with normal fiber cells near the lens surface and normal appearing fibers. (B) Large swollen cells and gaps between fiber cells in lens from 10-month-old Cryaatm1Ady/Cryaatm1Ady (R49Cneo/R49Cneo) mouse. (C) The swollen fiber cells increased in both size and number with increased age, and extended towards the center of the lens. The number of swollen cells per lens section is shown.
Copyright This image is from Andley UP, BMC Ophthalmol 2009;9():4, an open-access article, licensee BioMed Central Ltd. J:157274
Symbol Name
Cryaatm1Ady crystallin, alpha A; targeted mutation 1, Usha P Andley
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Cryaatm1Ady/Cryaatm1Ady involves: 129

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