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Caption A and B, shown is accumulation of dystrophic subperiosteal (arrows) osteoblasts (*) along the trabecular bones (pink) in the nasal turbinates (A) and in the tibial growth plate (B) 3 weeks after castration in a male Akr1a1Gt(OST222400)Lex/Akr1a1Gt(OST222400)Lex (GR-/-) mouse fed regular chow (ascorbate (ASC) content = 0). These cell masses are never seen in castrated wild-type mice on regular chow or in castrated mutant mice fed an ASC diet. C-E, shown is the effects of castration (CX) on turbinate structure in male mutant mice. C shows few remnant fragments of trabecular bone (pink) and proliferation of dystrophic osteoblasts in mice fed a regular diet for 4 months after CX. D shows the effects of feeding ASC for 1 preterminal month after 3 months on a regular diet. Note the haphazard formation of new bone replacing the proliferating periosteal osteoblasts observed in C. E shows that ASC feeding after CX prevents the changes seen in C and preserves the normal turbinate structures. F and G, shown are higher magnification views of adjacent sections to C and D, respectively, immunostained with osterix antibody. F, not all cells are osterix-positive, possibly indicating different stages of osteoblast differentiation. G, ASC intake stimulates the formation of trabecular bone containing osteocytes and active plump subperiosteal mature elongated osteoblasts.
Copyright This image is from Gabbay KH, J Biol Chem 2010 Jun 18;285(25):19510-20 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:164548
Symbol Name
Akr1a1Gt(OST222400)Lex aldo-keto reductase family 1, member A1; gene trap OST222400, Lexicon Genetics
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Akr1a1Gt(OST222400)Lex/Akr1a1Gt(OST222400)Lex B6.129S5-Akr1a1Gt(OST222400)Lex

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