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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Neuropathology of Arsgtm1Tdi/Arsgtm1Tdi (Arsg KO) mice. (A) Perivascular macrophages from the cerebral cortex show similar vacuolization as seen in the cerebellum. (B) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of a macrophage from the pia mater reveals mostly empty vacuoles, suggesting water-soluble contents and some with electron-dense material. (C and D) Toluidine blue-stained Epon-embedded sections of the CNS reveal sporadic storage vacuoles (arrows) in thalamic (C) and hippocampal (D) neurons (CA3 region), comparable to the observations in Purkinje cells. (E and E') Autofluorescence was detected in the molecular layer of the cerebellum of knockout animals with different filter settings (GFP, Y3, and BGR).
Copyright This image is from Kowalewski B, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 Jun 26;109(26):10310-5. Copyright 2012 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:185592
Symbol Name
Arsgtm1Tdi arylsulfatase G; targeted mutation 1, Thomas Dierks
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Arsgtm1Tdi/Arsgtm1Tdi involves: 129S2/SvPas * C57BL/6

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